• Applications
  • WF 300 is abasic non-alloying agglomerated flux for the submerged arc welding of stainless steels and high-alloyed Cr Ni Mo steels including duplex stainless steels.
  • Characteristics
    • - Excellent weldability such as stable arc and esay slag removal.
    • - Excellent impact value at low temperature down to -196℃.
    • - The weld metals show good mechanical properties.
    • - Exceesive flux height may bring out poor bead appearance.
    • - Redry the flux at 250~350℃ for 60 minutes before use.
    • - Add new flux periodically when continuously reusing the flux.
  • Typical Chemical Composition of All-Weld Metal(%)
  • Typical Chemical Composition of All-Weld Metal(%)
    Wire C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo N
    WS-308L 0.02 1.5 0.6 19.6 9.5 - -
    WS-309L 0.02 1.6 0.5 23.2 13.3 - -
    WS-316L 0.02 1.3 0.6 18.8 11.8 2.3 -
    WS-2209 0.02 1.3 0.5 22.3 8.6 3.2 0.1
  • Typical Mechanical Properties of All-Weld-Metal
  • Typical Mechanical Properties of All-Weld-Metal
    Wire Y.S
    IV (J) Remarks
    -60℃ -196℃
    WS-308L 394 567 41 87 62 As-Welded
    WS-309L 428 582 38 98 72 As-Welded
    WS-316L 402 568 40 85 66 As-Welded
    WS-2209 649 812 36 64 - As-Welded